-Thomas a Kempis.

Holly Easter and the Resurrection

On the morning of Good Friday, 1857, Richard Wagner, the master artist of the nineteenth century, sat on the veranda of a Swiss villa by the Zurich Sea. The landscape about him was bathed in most glorious sunshine; peace and good will seemed to vibrate through nature. All creation was throbbing with life; the air was laden with the fragrant perfume of budding pine forests–a grateful balm to a troubled heart of a restless mind.

 Then suddenly, as a bolt from an azure sky, there came into Wagner’s deeply mystic soul a remembrance of the ominous significance of that day– the darkest and most sorrowful in the Christian year. It almost overwhelmed him with sadness, as he contemplated the contrast. There was such a marked incongruity between the smiling scene before him, the plainly observable activity of nature, struggling to renewed life after winter’s long sleep, and the death struggle of a tortured Savior upon a cross; between the full-throated chant of life and love issuing from the thousands of little feathered choristers in forest, moor, and meadow, and the ominous shouts of hate issuing from an infuriated mob as they jeered and mocked the noblest ideal the world has ever known; between the wonderful creative energy exerted by nature in spring, and the destructive element in man, which slew the most noblest character that ever graced our Earth.

 While Wagner meditated thus upon the incongruities of existence, the question presented itself: Is there any connection between the death of the Savior upon the cross at Easter, and the vital energy which expresses itself so prodigally in spring when nature begins the life of a new year?

 Though Wagner did not consciously perceive and realize the full significance of the connection between the death of the Savior and the rejuvenation of nature, he had, nevertheless, unwittingly stumbled upon the key to one of the most sublime mysteries encountered by the human spirit in its pilgrimage from clod to God.

 In the darkest night of the year, when Earth sleeps most soundly in Boreas’s cold embrace, when material activities are at the very lowest ebb, a wave of spiritual energy carries upon its crest the Divine creative “word from Heaven” to a MYSTIC BIRTH at Christmas; and as a luminous cloud the spiritual impulse broods over the world that “knew it not’ for it “shines in the darkness” of winter when nature is paralyzed and speechless.

 This Divine creative “Word” has a message and a mission. It was born to “save the world,” and “to give its life for the world.” It must of necessity sacrifice its life in order to accomplish the rejuvenation of nature. Gradually it BURIES ITSELF IN THE EARTH and commences to infuse its own vital energy into the millions of seeds which lie dormant in the ground. It whispers “the word of life” into the ears of beast and bird, until the gospel of good news has been preached to every creature. The sacrifice is fully consummated by the time the Sun crosses its Easter(n) node at the spring equinox. Then the divine creative Word expires. IT DIES UPON THE CROSS AT EASTER in a mystical sense, while uttering a last triumphant cry. “It has been accomplished” (CONSUMMATUM EST).

But as an echo returns to us many times repeated, so also the celestial song of life is re-echoed from the Earth. The whole creation takes up the anthem. A legion-tongued chorus repeats it over and over. The little seeds in the bosom of Mother Earth commence to germinate; they burst and sprout in all directions, and soon a wonderful mosaic of life, a velvety green carpet embroidered with multicolored flowers, replaces the shroud of immaculate wintry white. From the furred and feathered tribes “the word of life” re-echoes as a song of love, impelling them to mate. Generation and multiplication are the watchwords everywhere–THE SPIRIT HAS RISEN to more abundant life.

Thus, mystically, we may note the annual birth, death, and resurrection of the Savior as the ebb and flow of a spiritual impulse which culminates at the winter solstice, Christmas, and has egress from the Earth shortly after Easter when the WORD ASCENDS TO HEAVEN on Whitsunday. But it will not remain there forever. We are taught that “Thence it shall return,” “at the judgment.” Thus when the Sun descends below the equator through the sign of the scales in October, when the fruits of the year are harvested, weighed, and assorted according to their kind, the descent of the spirit of the new year has its inception. This descent culminates in birth at Christmas.

 Man is a miniature of nature. What happens on a large scale in the life of a planet like our Earth, takes place on a smaller scale in the course of human events. A planet is the body of wonderfully great and exalted Being, one of the Seven Spirits before the Throne (of the parent Sun). Man is also a spirit and “made in their likeness.” As a planet revolves in its cyclic path around the Sun whence it emanated, so also the human spirit moves in an orbit around its central source–God. Planetary orbits, being ellipses, have points of closest approach to and extreme deviation from their solar centers. Likewise the orbit of the human spirit is elliptical. We are closest to God when our cyclic journey carries us into the celestial sphere of activity–heaven, and were are farthest removed from Him during Earth life. These changes are necessary to our soul growth. As the festivals of the year mark the recurring events of importance in the life of a Great Spirit, so our births and deaths are events of periodical recurrence. It is as impossible for the human spirit to remain perpetually in heaven or upon Earth as it is for a planet to stand still in its orbit. The same immutable law of periodicity which determines the unbroken sequence of the seasons, the alternation of day and night, the tidal ebb and flow, governs also the progression of the human spirit, both in heaven an upon Earth.

 From realms of celestial light where we live in freedom, untrammeled by limitations of time and space, where we vibrate in tune with infinite harmony of the spheres, we descend to birth in the physical world where our spiritual sight is obscured by the mortal coil which binds us to this limited phase of our existence. We live here awhile, we die and ascend to heave, to be reborn and to die again. Each Earth life is a chapter in a serial life story, extremely humble in its beginnings, but increasing in interest and importance as we ascend to higher and higher stations of human responsibility. No limit is conceivable, for in essence we are divine, and must, therefore, have the infinite possibilities of God dormant within. When we have learned all that this world has to teach us, a wider orbit, a larger sphere of superhuman usefulness will give scope to our greater capabilities.

 “But what of Christ?” someone will ask. “Don’t you believe in Him? You are discoursing upon Easter, the feast which commemorates the cruel death and glorious, triumphant resurrection of the Savior, but you seem to be alluding to Him more from an allegorical point of view than as an actual fact.”

 Certainly we believe in the Christ; we love Him with our whole heart and soul, but we wish to emphasize the teaching that Christ is the first fruits of the race. He said that we shall do the things He did, “and greater.” Thus we are Christs-in-the-making.

 We are too much in the habit of looking to an outside Savior while harboring a devil within; but till Christ be formed in us, as Paul says, we shall seek in vain, for as it is impossible for us to perceive light and color, though they are all about us, unless our optic nerve registers their vibrations, and as we remain unconscious of sound when the tympanum of our ear is insensitive, so also must we remain blind to the presence of Christ and deaf to His voice until we arouse our dormant spiritual natures within. But once these natures have become awakened, they will reveal the Lord of Love as a prime reality; this on the principle that when a tuning fork is struck, another of identical pitch will also commence to sing, while tuning forks of different pitches will remain mute. Therefore, the Christ said that His sheep knew the SOUND of His voice and responded, but the voice of the stranger they heard not. (Jon 10:5) No matter what our creed, we are all brethren of Christ, so let us rejoice, the Lord has risen! Let us seek Him and forget our creeds and other lesser differences.



A ship sets sail for the East and one for the West with the same windfor both. “It is the position of the sail and the wind that determines the way they carry?”. And as the winds of the sea are the ways of fate;  in the same way we sail the life of the soul. It is the act that determines victory, and not the calm or the strife.



Study for the Alba Madonna, Lille, Musée des Beaux-Arts by Raphael.


ANSWER: It has been ascertained by clairvoyant investigation that at the time of death the spirit takes with it the forces of one little atom located in the left ventricle of the heart, which is called the seed atom, for its the nucleus or seed around which all the material in the body gathers, and every atom on the body must be capable of vibrating in unison with that seek atom. Therefore, that atom is deposited in the semen of the father some time previous to conception, and later placed in the womb of the mother. But conception is not at all identical with the time of sexual union of the parents. The impregnated spermatozoa is sometimes not imbedded in the ovum until fourteen days after the union of the parents. It is this impregnation of the ovum that may be called the time of conception, for from the moment when the impregnated ovum leaves the Fallopian tube the period of gestation commences.

During the first eighteen to twenty-one days, all the work is done by the mother, but at that time the reincarnating Ego, clothed in a bell-shaped cloud of desire and mind stuff, enters the womb of the mother and the bell-shaped cloud closes at the bottom so that it is then ovoid, or egg-shaped . Then the spirit is definitely enmeshed in the flesh and cannot escape any more, but must stay with the mother until liberated by birth. In the present stage of our unfoldment, the spirit does very little CONSCIOUS work upon its coming vehicle, but it is present all the time and helps UNCONSCIOUSLY in the task of providing its instrument. This is not more remarkable than that we are able to digest our food and work our respiratory organs without being conscious of the process.



Arthur Foord Hughes

ANSWER: The Ego may be likened unto a precious stone, a diamond in the rough. When it is taken out of the earth the stone is far from beautiful; a rough coating hides the splendor within, and before the rough diamond becomes a gem, it must be polished upon the hard grindstone. Each application to the stone removes a part of the rough coat and grinds a facet through which the light enters and is refracted at a different angle from the light thrown back by the other facets.

 So it is with the Ego. A diamond in the rough, it enters the school of experience, the pilgrimage through matter, and each life is as an application of the gem to the stone. Each life in the school of experience removes part of the roughness of the Ego and admits the light of intelligence at a new angle, giving a different experience, and thus as the angels of light vary in the many facets of the diamond, so the temperament of the Ego differs in each life. In each life we can show forth only a small part of our spiritual natures, we can realize only a small part of the splendor of our divine POSSIBILITIES, but every life tends to make us more rounded and our temperaments become more even. In fact, it is the work upon the temperament that is the principal part of our lesson, for self-mastery is the goal. As Goethe says,

“From every power which all the world enchains,  Man liberates himself when self-control he gains.”


Lovers, Arthur Foord Hughes


ANSWER: It is said that a person is born every second of the day; thus there would be 3,600 born in an hour, 86,400 in a day of 24 hours, and about two millions and a half in a month. If they were supposed to have the same temperament and the same fate in life, we should only have twelve kinds of people, and yet we know that there are not two people exactly alike, so that it is foolish to say that people have the same temperament because they are born under the same sign of the zodiac, as determined by the month.

 To cast a horoscope scientifically, it if necessary to take into consideration the day and the year when a person was born, for the planets do not arrive at the same relative positions more than once in twenty-five thousand, eight hundred and sixty-eight years. We must further take into consideration the hour of the birth and if possible try to get the minute, on account of the swiftly changing position of the moon. If we also take into consideration the place, we can calculate THE RISING SIGN, which gives the FORM of the body. Then we have an absolutely individual horoscope, for the degree of the zodiac rising on the eastern horizon changes every four minutes, so that even in the case of twins there would be a difference.

 In order, then, that the astrologer may say whether the marriage of two people will be harmonious or otherwise, it is necessary for him to cast the horoscope of the two persons and endeavor to find out if they will be physically, morally, and mentally congenial. He judges by comparing the ascendants, or rising signs, which show the physical affinity. The positions of Mars and Venus will show whether they are morally of the same caliber, and the Sun and Moon show their mental characteristics. Thus he has an accurate gauge as to whether their natures will blend, but predictions based upon anything short of such a calculation are worthless.



ANSWER: It shows a sad state of society when a question such as this can be relevant, as, unfortunately, it is. The primal purpose of marriage is the perpetuation of the race and people who are not willing to become parents have no right to marry. It should be the right of every child to be well born, and welcome. But while we are careful to seek out the best strain in the animals which we use for breeding purposes, in order that we may get the hardiest and best stock, we usually do not think at all of the physical, moral and mental fitness of the one we select to be the father or mother of our children. In fact, it is usually considered indelicate if not indecent to think of children at all, and when they come in spite of preventatives, the parents are often distracted with grief. But the law of cause and effect is not to be thwarted. The mills of the Gods grind slowly but they are sure to grind very small, and though the centuries may pass by, there will come a time when the one who is an unwilling parent must himself seek an embodiment anew, and perhaps he will then be reborn into a family where he is not welcome. Or perhaps the unwilling parents of one life become childless in the next. Cases are know to the writer where such a couple has been blessed with numerous children whom they desired and passionately loved, but who died in childhood one after another to the great grief of the parents.

The Spiritual Love

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. - Corinthians 13:1

It is a matter of actual experience to astrologers endowed with spiritual sight that every man’s planetary rays produce certain colors in his aura, in addition to the basic color which is the stamp of the race to which the man belongs. The man with the thin, sickly blues of a commingled Saturn and Mercury, is to be pitied rather than censured for the avarice and gloom which are his constant attitude of mind; he sees everything in the world through the auric mirror which he has created around himself; he feels that the world is cold, hard and selfish, that therefore it is necessary for him to be more selfish and more cold in order that he may protect himself.

On the other hand, when we see the divine blue ray of Jupiter tinted with perhaps the fine gold of the Uranian nature we realize how differently such an exalted individual must view the world from the other’s sordid way of seeing things. Even those who have the faintest Jupiterian tinge are in a world filled with sunshine, flowers blooming, everything in nature gay and glad. Any by looking at the world through such an atmosphere they call forth from other sources a similar response, as the tuning fork previously mentioned generates a vibration in another of an even pitch.

After what has been said it will not be difficult to understand that the Uranian characteristics, where love becomes compassion, give wisdom that is not dependent upon reasoning, a love that is not fixed upon one object alone, but includes all that lives and moves and has its being’ being similar to the characteristics that are to be evolved by humanity during the Venus period when perfect love shall have cast out all fear, when man shall have conquered all the lower phases of his nature and love shall be as pure as it is universally inclusive.

The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche, the oil of François Boucher, 1744.

When these Uranian vibrations are felt by advance in the higher life through aspiration, there is great danger that we may throw away the fetters of law and convention before we are really ready to govern ourselves by the law of Love divine, that we may disregard the laws that are in the world, that we may not render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, whether in obedience or coin, that we may not be careful of avoiding the appearance of evil, that we may think that we have so far transcended the ordinary stage of humanity that we can live as super-humans, that the passion of Mars has in our cases been changed to Uranian compassion, which is sexless. Under such misapprehensions, many people who endeavor to tread the path disregard the laws of marriage and enter into relationships as soulmates and affinities. They feel the Uranian ray, but cannot quite respond to its sublime purity, therefore they experience a counterfeit Venusian sensation which usually ends in adultery and sex-perversion, so that instead of the natural animal passion of Mars having been transmuted to the compassion of Uranus it has as a matter of fact, degenerated into something that is far worse than the fullest sex expression of the martial rays committed in a frank and proper manner. This is a danger that cannot be too strictly guarded against and it behooves every one who endeavors to live the higher life not to try to aspire to the Uranian rays until he at first becomes thoroughly imbued with the altruistic vibrations of Jupiter, for more misery is brought into the world by those who have aspired too high and fallen low, then by those who are not sufficiently aspiring. “Pride goeth before a fall,” is an ancient and very true proverb, which it behooves every one of us to take to heart. The Christ took part in the marriage at Cana. Marriage is a regular Christian institution, and must exist until abolished in the kingdom to come; there the bodies we have will not wear out and therefore there will be no need of marriage to generate new ones.
Let it also be understood that the minister who marries cannot truly mate people, therefore the presence of the basic harmony for true marriage should be determined before the marriage ceremony.
As we have seen in the foregoing, Mars, Venus and Uranus mark three stages in the emotional development of man. During the stage where he is only amenable to Mars, animal passion reigns supreme and he seeks unrestricted gratification of all his lower desires in the intercourse with his fellowman but particularly with the opposite sex; during the stage where he becomes amenable to the rays of Venus, love softens the brutality of his desires and the animal passions are somewhat held in leash, he is even, under the higher phases of this planet, ready to sacrifice himself and his desires for the benefit and comfort of the loved ones. When he has evolved to the point where we can feel the rays of Uranus, the passion of Mars gradually turns to compassion; there the love of Venus which is only for one particular person, becomes all inclusive so that it embraces all humankind regardless of sex or any other distinction, for it is the divine love of soul for soul which is above all material considerations of whatever nature.

The mentality also evolves through three stages according to the amenability of the person to the vibrations of the Moon, Mercury and Neptune. While man is only amenable to the lunar influence, he is childlike and easily guided by the higher powers, which have led him through the various stages mentioned in our pervious chapters. Under the stellar ray of Mercury he gradually develops his intellectual powers and becomes a reasoning being. As such, he is placed under the law of cause and effect, made responsible for his own actions, so that he may reap what he has sown and learn thereby the lessons that human life has to teach him under the present regime. Being inexperienced, he makes mistakes in whatever direction indicated by the afflictions to Mercury in his horoscope and consequently he suffers a corresponding penalty of sorrow and trouble. It he has not the mentality to reason on the connection between this mistakes and the sad experiences growing from them, during his life times, the panorama of life, which unfolds in the post-mortem state, makes this clear, and leaves with him an essence of “right feeling” which we know as “conscience.” 

This conscience keeps him from repeating past mistakes, when the feeling generated has become sufficiently strong to overbalance the tendency to yield to the particular temptation which caused him suffering. Thus he gradually develops a spiritual consciousness which is above and beyond human reason, but which nevertheless is also connected with reason in such a manner that when the result has been reached, the man who has this Cosmic Consciousness knows the reason why such and such a thing is and must be, or why he ought to take a certain action. This Cosmic Consciousness is developed under the ray of Neptune and differs from that intuitional right feeling developed under the ray of Uranus in the very important fact that while the person who has developed the Uranian quality of intuition arrives at the truth instantaneously without the necessity of thinking over the matter or reasoning, he is unable to give anything but the result; he cannot connect the various steps of logical sequence whereby the final result was reached. The man or woman, however, who develops the Neptunian faculty, also has the answer of any question immediately and is able to tell the reason why that answer is the proper and right one.
The faculty of intuition built up from the Martial base of passion, through the Venusian stage of love, and the Uranian rays of compassion, depends upon the ability of the person involved to feel very intensely. By love and devotion, the heart is attuned to every other heart in the universe and in this way it knows and feels all that may be known and felt by any other heart in the universe, thus sharing the divine omniscience that binds Our Father in Heaven to His children and through the direct heart to heart touch with that omniscience the person obtains the answers to whatever problem is placed before him. 

The noblest men of all ages, Christian saints of the most transcendent spirituality, have attained their wonderful development through the spiritual rays of this planet because of the intense feeling of Oneness with the divine and with all that lives and breathes in the universe.
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, we are too advance from our present Earth period into the Jupiter period, and therefore the Jupiterian ray marks that high stage of altruism which will then be a prominent factor in our relations, one with the other, and it will be readily understood that before we can really respond to the rays of Jupiter we must in a measure cultivate altruism, and conquer the egoism that comes through the Mercurial reasoning power. We have learned to conquer some of the phases of Mars and the Moon, we may have also learned to conquer some of the lower phases of Mercury and Venus; the more we have overcome these the better we shall be able to respond to the highest vibratory forces emanating from these planets; yes, if we strive earnestly we shall some day be able to overcome even the highest stage of the Venus love, that always attaches itself to an object which is owned by us.

The Holy Family (Joseph, Mary and Jesus with Elizabeth and her son John the Baptist, Jesus' relatives according to the Gospel of Luke. Painting by Raphael, 1507.

We love our children because they are ours; we love our husbands and wives because they belong to us; we take pride, Venusian pride, in their moral characteristics or Mercurial pride in their accomplishments; but Christ set a higher standard: “Unless a man leave his father and mother he can not be my disciple.” The idea that we should neglect our fathers and mothers or that we must hate them in order to follow Him was far from His mind, of course, but father and mother are only bodies; the soul that inhabits this body of the father and mother is to be loved, not the mere physical garment.

Our love should be the same whether the person is old or young, ugly or beautiful. We should look for the beauty of the soul, for the universal relationship of all souls and not mind so much the relationship of the bodies. “Who are my mother and my brothers,” said the Christ, and pointed to his disciples, those who were at one with Him in His great work. They were closer to Him than any brother could be on account of mere physical relationship. This attitude constitutes an upward step from the Venus love which places the emphasis on the physical garments of the love ones and leaves out of consideration the soul that is within. The Jupiterian love on the other hand takes cognizance only of the soul, regardless of the body it wears.


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Rather, it is the SERVICE which we perform and the earnestness wherewith we practice the teachings and become living examples to the world of that brotherly love which Christ spoke of as fulfillment of all commandments. 
We are all Christ in the making, the love nature is unfolding in us all

It is a fact of the greatest significance that until the time of Christ, the LAW demanded an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but ere He commenced to preach the gospel of LOVE to our neighbor and forgiveness towards those who trespass against us, He went under the Waters of Baptism, and there received the Universal Spirit, which will supplant the egoism of today.

Thus He became filled with love, and therefore NATURALLY radiated that quality, as naturally as a stove filled with burning coal radiates heat. We may preach to the stove forever that its duty is to heat, but until we fill it with fuel, it will remain cold. Likewise, we may preach to humanity that we ought to be brothers and love one another, but until we put ourselves “IN TUNE WITH THE INFINITE,” we can no more love our neighbor than the empty stove can heat. As Paul says, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angles, and have not LOVE, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.”

If we can instill a spirit of compassion, the desire of the flesh will fadevery soon before the spirit of love.
We must learn the lesson of work for a common purpose, without ourguide, each equally guided by the Spirit of Love inside, should strive to lift physical, moral and spiritual world at the height of Christ – “the Lord and light of the world.


The love ray of Venus goes out to the mate and blood relations but by a good aspect of Uranus it is raised beyond the realm of sex love to cosmic proportions, to love such as that which Christ must have felt when he wept over Jerusalem and said that, as a hen fathers it brood under its wing, so would he have loved to father them to his bosom. The people who have this Uranian love therefore become builders of society; associated with every good and uplifting movement. An adverse aspect of Uranus to Venus on the other hand, has the most degrading effect on the Venus function, for it leads to disregard of the laws and conventions of society and to perversion of the sacred creative function.
Love is a much abused word, and the emotion thus miscalled is usually so tainted with desire that it is Martian passion rather than Venusian love. Coalition, the keyword of Venus, suggests a most intimate union, a blending of the very souls of two or more people who compose a family. But altruism, the keyword of Uranus, hints at such an all-embracing love as our Savior felt. Thus Uranus is the octave of Venus and anyone ready to enter the path of preparation which leads to initiation must gradually learn to outgrow the Venus love which makes the immediate family all in all and begin to cultivate the all-embracing Uranian altruism.
This goal is high and those who aim so high often fall very low. When we essay to transcend the Venus love and cultivate the Uranian altruism we are thus in great danger, and the most promising live are sometimes wrecked by the pernicious theory of soul-mates, which leads to clandestine love affairs and perversion of the creative function. But remember this–altruism does not require return of the love bestowed upon others, it has absolutely no concern with sex; it will not lessen the love for our family, but they being nearest to us will feel the increase of our love to a greater degree than those further away, and unless our love brings forth such fruit it is not Uranian and will not further us upon the path of attainment.
Seeing this is so, we may readily understand that the great majority of humanity cannot yet respond to the higher side of Uranus, and its effect upon the morals is therefore principally perversion of sex, clandestine love affairs, free love, and disregard of conventionality; that is, of course, when aspected by squares and oppositions. Under such conditions it makes people unconventional and erratic, rebellious at the least restraint, very independent and brusque in manner, fond of pioneer work, and investigation of unusual things. They take to the higher mechanics, electricity, aviation, and the like, as a duck to water, and are rather proud of their attainments.

They find prominence in literature, science, philosophy, and especially in the occult arts. Uranus also gives a high grade of musical genius when configurated with Venus, and if Uranus is well fortified in by position and aspects it qualifies the person for leadership in an unusual way. It may also be said that the effects of the Uranian ray are very sudden and unexpected, whether for good or ill, it comes like a bolt out of the blue, and as we respond most easily to its evil side, these effects are generally disastrous in nature. When Uranus is on the Ascendant it adds length to the body, so that the true Uranian are usually very tall.
From the lower love under the influence of Venus to Uranus Altruism.

In the 13th Chapter of Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians we find a eulogy of “love.” The word used in the authorized version is “charity,” but it ought to be read as “love.” Love suffereth long and is kind, love vaunteth not herself, is not puffed up, believeth all things, endureth all things. . .Whether there be prophecies they shall fail, whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away.”

He concludes that in time faith and hope will pass away because we shall know the things in which we now have faith and our hopes will have been realized, but love, he contends, remains forever.

The keynote of Venus is “love,” “harmony,” and “rhythm,” and if we want to know her nature we may profitably read that chapter and substitute “Venus’ for “Love.”

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Venus vaunteth not herself, is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, rejoices not in iniquity but in truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, endureth all things. These sayings are all true when applied to Venus for she furnishes the unifying bond between all members of the human family in whatever relationship they may be placed. It is the love-ray of Venus piercing deeply the heart of the mother which breeds in her the tender care wherewith she nourishes her offspring through helpless infancy. Venus sounds the love call of the youth and the maiden, gives and takes, smoothing out all the difficulties in the conjugal career. She is ever burning incense upon the altar of affection and from her garden of love comes the flowers which scent even the most sordid souls with celestial perfume and raise them for the time being to the stature of gods.

But when Venus is afflicted, all these sublime qualities become tainted and take a hideous aspect according to the nature of their affliction. Squares and oppositions turn love to lust which makes the person revel in sensual gratification; the perception of beauty which expresses itself as art becomes slovenliness, the tendency to self-sacrifice, the giving of oneself for others is turned to selfishness and the person will then seem to use others to escape any task or effort not to his or her liking, laziness being one of the most prominent characteristics of an afflicted Venus.
Being feminine, Venus never reaches out toward others, but exerts a magnetic energy which draws them to her. Therefore she represents in a man’s horoscope those of the opposite sex to whom the person is drawn, but in a woman’s horoscope Venus describes the person’s own attraction for the opposite sex and Mars the masculine planet shows who will be attracted by her charms.
Venus is essentially dignified in Taurus and Libra, and exalted in Pisces, and therefore her influence is most powerfully felt when she is placed in those signs. She is weak and afflicted when placed in either of the martial signs, Aries or Scorpio, where she is in her fall, or when she is in the mercurial sign, Virgo. The best House position for her is the Seventh where her influence will make the marriage serene and blissful.

Altruism does not require the reward of love has on others, nor has absolutely nothing to do with sex, nor diminish the love for our families, but still as close as we feel the increase of our love for a much more higher than that takes into those further away. And unlessour love will not give such fruit quality of Uranus and we will makeprogress on the path of development.



ANSWER:  In the beginning of manifestation, God differentiated within Himself a multitude of potential spiritual intelligences as sparks are emitted by a fire. These spiritual intelligences were thus potential flames or fires, but they were not yet fires, for, thought endowed with the all-consciousness of God, they lacked SELF-consciousness; being POTENTIALLY omnipotent as God, they lacked dynamic power available for use at any moment according to their will; and in order that these qualities might be evolved it was imperative that they should go through matter. Therefore, during INVOLUTION each Divine Spark was encased in various vehicles of sufficient density to shut off the outer world from its consciousness.

Then the spirit within, no longer able to contact the without, turns and finds ITSELF. With wakening SELF-consciousness comes the spirit’s struggle to free itself from its prison, and during evolution the various vehicles which the spirit possess will be spiritualized into soul, so that, at the end of manifestation, the spirit will not only have gained SELF-consciousness but also soul-power.

Pure Spirits and part of God.

There is a tendency upon the part of most people to believe that all that is is the result of something else, leaving no place for any original new building. Those who study LIFE usually speak only of INVOLUTION and EVOLUTION; those who study the FORM, namely, the modern scientists, are concerned with EVOLUTION only, but the most advanced among them are now beginning to find another factor, which they have called EPIGENESIS. Already, in 1757, Caspar Wolff issued his Theorea Generations, wherein he showed that in the development of the ovum, there are a series of new buildings not at all foreshown by what has gone before, and Haeckel, endorsing this work, says that nowadays were are no longer justified in called epigenesis a theory.

For it is a fact which we may demonstrate, in the case of the lower forms where the changes are rapid, under a microscope. Since the mind was given to man, it is this original creative impulse, epigenesis, which has been the cause of all our development.

Truly do we build upon that which has been already created, but there is also something new due to the activity of the spirit and thus it is that WE BECOME CREATORS, for if we only imitated that which had already been laid out for us by God or Angel, it would never be possible for us to become creative intelligences; WE WOULD SIMPLY BE IMITATORS.

School of Life

And even thought we make mistakes, it may be said that we often learn much more by our mistakes than by our successes. The SIN and the suffering which the inquirer speaks about are merely the result of the mistakes we make, and their impression upon our consciousness causes us to be active along other lines which are found to be GOOD–that is to say, in harmony with nature. Thus this world is a training school and not a vale of tears wherein we have been placed by a capricious God.




All visible things of this world are mental images and material crystallized as an architect is a house in your mind, removing the mental image planes, planes that then exploit the workers to build the house materially. Graham Bell’s imagination was crystallized in the phone, in a steamer Fulton, and so on. But of course, these ideas were not perfect from the start, requiring a great deal of experimentation before the inventions mentioned have the efficiency needed to be useful in life.
The mission of the material world, specifically, is to manifest our mistakes. We are developing enormous power within ourselves and in the physical world we have the most ideal condition to develop the skill required to use that power properly. Without that ability, in the subtle states of matter would produce immense damage. The strength is coming so let’s see when we look back on the past development, which will give us the true measure of perspective.
In the early dawn of human existence, man worked mainly with solids, the first stone tools were sharp, which is current domain. He later began to work on packing, traveling by canoe in rough water, or using it to run its mills. Later he learned to use the gas, wind, and driving force for boats or mills.
Having thus seen past progress should be evident that further progress of the human race depends on the discovery and use of a more subtle energy easily transmissible force even greater than we know.

In his work, “The Future Race”, a descriptive novel of esoteric reality; Bulwer Lytton  (author of Zanoni, The Last Days of Pompeii, Memoirs of a Physician, etc) gave us a glimpse of what will be the future strength of which gave the name of “VRIL NOW”; common humanity in the future. Like all other novels have never been taken seriously, but it has been considered only as the product of the imagination of a talented author. Jules Verne’s novels have been found by the public a similar attitude of admiration for his fantasy lived, however, would not there have been many of them? Around the World in Eighty Days, is now too slow for a century traveler. Underwater navigation and aircraft are a reality today. Indeed, the human mind cannot imagine anything that is not possible. This seems an extravagant claim, but would not be justified in view of what has already been done?.

Investing our argument we can say that something like Bulwer Lytton VRIL will be discovered before the man can take the big step to subsequent progress.

Bulwer Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton,

Bulwer Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton, (25 May 1803 – 18 January 1873), was an English politician, poet, playwright, and novelist. He was immensely popular with the reading public and wrote a stream of bestselling dime-novels which earned him a considerable fortune.

Certainly, great and wonderful discoveries are before us waiting for a more intensive exploitation of the forces already possessed, but the next big step depends on the discovery and preparation for use of those forces to come. Attempts were made to build the steam long before it obtained the success it has achieved today. The scientists also knew something about electricity before, but it has taken a long time to mature and that these ideas could be practically exploited. Similarly, as we marched and exploiting the forces we know, we have to prepare for the coming force and we find ways to use it more quickly.

Let’s take a look at the light of Bulwer Lytton VRIL, because among all the host of fantastic there is an invaluable truth hidden there.

The VRIL was a force to be generated within the characters in that novel. This force was not dependent on an external machine that cost money, which could favor the few and not the majority, all without exception in the future race will possessed that power from the birth to death.

Vril, the Power of the Coming Race is a 1871, novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, originally printed as The Coming Race

Certainly, this is an ideal far superior to a power station. There was no need for elevators, since each levitate at will. Nor were they needed the trams, cars or trains, as everyone could move quickly and easily by your own strength. Boats were useless for a man that could fly through the air without being exposed to the inconveniences inherent in travel by land or sea. Like you see with how much less resistance as the bird could fly without having to rely on airplanes or anything like that.
Like all other forces, the VRIL could be used as means of destruction, so it had to be careful in their use. It was necessary to have self-control in the highest degree, because if you let anger drives you it could cause terrible disasters. If we ever have to use that force, we have to see very well the great need of being good, loving and do not have enemies. Our lives would be in the hands of others to such an extent we cannot even imagine.

Future Race

This slow mode currently characterizes the externalization of thought in the form of things.  We must not take it as far as possible, or discouraged by the fact that our thoughts seems too subtle and elusive. The same happened with the other forces that later moved the wheels of progress. For countless ages, the waves have exhausted their energy on beating the coasts, but now the inventors are beginning to harness the power of water, putting generators in combination with the waterfalls. For eons the winds have swept the land and sea before his strength is put at the service of men in sailing ships. For ages the steam in the air leaking out of the pots used primitive mankind long before it learned to concentrate their power and use it in various industries. Just as the steam escapes uselessly from cooking vessels, so the radiant mind energy escapes uselessly from humanity today. And as the steam could be used, so the subtlest concentrating mental power. But colossally powerful, can concentrate for man’s work with an ease unimaginable compared to current forces, since these are simply used to work on existing things, while the Mental power is creative power.

We know how dangerous the other forces are when concentrated, while the steam escaping from a coffee can do the least harm. The electricity generated by friction in a glass or a piece of amber cannot be dangerous for anyone, but when the steam generated in quantity and locked in a boiler, can destroy the hands of incompetent workers, and making electricity tension in a wire can kill the ignorant that touch it. Similarly we can deduce that the Mental Power misdirected or employee unknowingly produces many more disastrous effects because is a more subtle energy. 

It is therefore necessary for man to attend a school for learning how to use the formidable power safely and effectively. Knowing it or not, the wise invisible instructors that powerfully work with humanity, have already provided the school when we placed us in this concrete existence.



Christmas Special – Sagitarius

1. For the average person:
a) Finding fun, the Dulche life, easy life, gambling and so on.
b) Another class looks what is right, moral values, righteous, spiritual light.
c) Others can have both inclinations

2. For the person aspiring to higher : looking for the philosophical, the esoteric or religious path of perfection.

3. For the person who has decided: not only to know the things unseen (Scorpio-student), but passes to the degree of “probationer” in trying to dominate or transform your lower nature.

4. Some people unfortunately in order to have an easy life may even become criminal or delinquents if they are violent, otherwise they will act astutely.

NOTE: For the Catholic Christian conscience with or without esoteric knowledge, the time of Sagittarius, is the time to prepare for the birth of Christ (whether is the annual or inside, the Advent).



"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (7) Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this." -Isaiah 9:6-7

 To the clairvoyant eye, the initiatory spirit appears as a star. ”

The magic of Christmas is intimately associated with the “Star”, the Star shone golden in the sky over Bethlehem on that, the most holy night of all nights, was the radiant spiritual body of Christ, who was pouring his blessings on the perfect body of the Child Jesus, who later became the vehicle of the Incarnate Christ during the three years of his sublime ministry on earth.


There are seven planets in the cosmos and seven principles in man. The law of correspondence or analogy helps us look at the nature of Jesus Christ, under seven points of view. We will see only the first three points of view, and then the remaining four are so high we could not explain clearly. These three views are:


Antonio Allegri Correggio

1 .- HISTORY .-
Jesus Christ existed even though many have tried to materialistic tendencies to deny its existence, based on his birth and life that have no historical basis: well, clairvoyant reveals scientific research looking at the “memory of nature”. The Akashic records indicate that Jesus Christ existed, as it is written in the Gospels where we find when we read and interpret the Bible correctly.

2 .- ASTRONOMY .- The story of Samson is another aspect of the solar myth.  Samson’s hair was long and still growing, increasing strength. Samson is the sun and its rays represent his hair. From the winter solstice in December to the summer solstice in June, the sun’s rays are growing and gaining strength every day. This terrifies the “powers of darkness”, the winter months, the Philistines, because if the Giver of Light continues to reign, his kingdom (the Philistines) would end, and then plotted against Samson to discover the secrets of his strength. They ensure the cooperation of women Delilah is the sign of Virgo, and when Samson, the Sun passes through this sign is said in September that left his head in the woman’s womb and entrusted her secret. Then she cuts his hair, because at the time the sun’s rays are weakened. Then the Philistines or winter months come and take the ailing giant to his prison: the southern signs where is the sun in the winter. They take your eyes, they take away his light, and finally lead him to his temple, and the winter solstice the infamous subjected to indignities, believing they had won the light completely, but with his remaining strength. The great giant solar temple collapses but died in his effort.  However, he overcomes his enemies, leaving room for the new sun to be born to save humanity from the cold and hunger that would follow if it will always be limited by the powers of darkness, the Philistines, the winter months.

Tintoreto (b 1518, Venezia d, 1594

  3 .- THE CHRIST LAND .- Also in the most literal and true sense of the word “a newborn Christ” we praise them at the feast of Christmas Eve and Christmas is the most important annual event for all mankind, even if you understand it or not. This is not merely a commemoration of the birth of our beloved Brother, Jesus, but also rejuvenating the life of the love of our Heavenly Father, sent by God to redeem the world from death grip of winter. Without this new infusion of divine life and energy, will soon perish physically and frustrate our orderly progress, at least insofar as it relates to our present lines of development. This is a point that we must strive to fully conceive so that we can learn to consider Christmas as subtly as possible.

4 .- THE CHRIST INDIVIDUAL .-  Galatians 4: 19 “My children, whom I am again to side with you, until Christ be formed in you “. It refers to the sublime goal and ideal of the Christian which is to achieve the birth of Christ within his own being, ideal to which every Christian Rosicrucian student aspires.  Max Heindel.

"What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future." It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may end in peace. Agnes M. Pharo